Thursday, July 9, 2009

We Are Heading for Climate Disaster !!!!!!

American poet Robert Frost, once wrote, “Some say the world will end in fire; some say in ice.” Either, he notes, “would suffice.” Frost's saying will become truth if we don't wake up early.
According to the Indian Meteorological Department, Pune, last month was the driest June India has seen in the last 109 years. This is just a tip of ice berg that we are going to face in the future if we do not start realising the gravity of the situation now. It is the time that we the citizens of this world should start exerting pressure on our governments who are doing nothing concrete to save our planet. Developed countries, who are the biggest and the worst polluters are pressurising developing and small countries to cut their emissions, whereas they themselves account for more than half of the emission.
World Bank’s World Development Report-2009, says, phasing out of 25-40 million sport utility vehicles (SUVs) in the US alone would reduce annual global emissions by a whooping 36 million tones of carbon dioxide. In comparison, the report says, providing the very basic electrification to the poor of the world would add 45 million tones of greenhouse gases. If the SUVs converted to more fuel-efficient cars, more than 1.6 billion people in the world can be given electricity without any increase in the levels of greenhouse gases. This is one example of the “duplicity” of developed nations that the report has highlighted to prove that “carbon space” is inequitably powering the luxurious lifestyles of the rich at the cost of poor countries. Carbon space is a person or country’s share of greenhouse gases. Report says, 1 billion people living in the high-income countries are using 63% more carbon space than is their fare share on a per capita basis.
Earlier studies have shown that historical emissions amount to about 1,100 tones of CO2 per capita for the UK and the US, compared with 66 tones for China and 23 tones for India. Since 1840, seven out of every 10 tones of CO2 emitted has come from the rich nations.
According to the National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER), even if India maintains its 8% yearly growth with the current set of policies and technologies, its per capita emissions will not cross 2.77 tones mark even by 2031, which is almost 7 times less than the current per capita emissions of the US and almost 4 times less than the current per capita emissions of UK.

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